Prayer requests submitted here will be shared with our prayer chain and will be prayed for by our church family. Out of respect and care for the privacy of our church family, we do not reveal the specifics related to an individual’s request for prayer. Our Lord and Savior knows the need. In prayer, we join together to invoke the power of the Holy Spirit.
Prayers of healing, recovery, and strength for members of the North County Cooperative Parish:
Dave Comstock(LHUMC)*
Rachel Muchow (LHUMC)*
Les Riddle (LHUMC)*
Don Dorr (LHUMC)*
Shiloh Scott (LHUMC)*
Marieta Engler (LHUMC)*
Anna Ford (FUMC)*
Will Schuessler (LHUMC)*
Brenda Hankey (FUMC)
Tracy Sponsler (FUMC)
Ron & Karen Sands Family (FUMC)
Tiffany Peria (MUMC)
Bonnie Lancaster (MUMC)
Jennifer Newton (BCUMC)
Brenda Schwaab (LHUMC)
Ka’Lene Creek (LHUMC Emilie Mosier) Pat Renes and Family (LHUMC)
Betty Carr (MUMC)
The People of Tennessee (Jeanne MUMC)
Mary Ellen Bilenki (MUMC)
Prayers of healing, recovery, and strength for friends of the North County Cooperative Parish:
Bob Burash (Friend of Judy Bolly)*
Ken Love & Family (Friend of Nancy Brown)
Kenneth Hetzel Jr (Great Grandson FUMC)
Kenneth Jr ( Brenda Hankey FUMC)
Noah Salisbury (FUMC)
Jutta McNemar (Family member of Buzz Bolly)
Warren Cooper (MUMC)
Winter Relief at LHUMC
Warren Cooper (MUMC)
Jamie Dyer (MUMC)
The family of Nancy Ruth Donaldson (LHUMC)
The Family of Ron McNemar (Buzz Bolly Family)
Successful fall festival
Please note: These posts will remain available for 2 weeks unless otherwise specified. If you’d like a prayer or concern to stay longer, feel free to contact us.
Thank you for your continued prayers and support for our community!