LHUMC is alive and active as the body of Christ.
There are many ways to get involved to grow in faith and expand God’s Kingdom.
Faithful volunteers are involved in a variety of ministries from things as simple as preparing church bulletins, attending Bible studies and praying for each other, to providing meals for our neighbors in need.
Faithful volunteers are involved in a variety of ministries from things as simple as preparing church bulletins, attending Bible studies and praying for each other, to providing meals for our neighbors in need.
Not sure how you fit? Identifying and understanding your spiritual gifts is a good way to find where you should connect. God has uniquely created you to be you, and has given you gifts to participate in and support the Body of Christ, the church. This Spiritual Gifts Assessment helps individuals identify their God-given gifts for living faithfully as Christian disciples day by day and find meaningful ways to use their gifts in connection with others through the community of faith. The process helps people understand the nature of spiritual gifts and ways to enhance the effectiveness of their gifts by linking together with others.

Adult Choir
Lift your voice and sing praises to our God. The choir provides special music for our traditional worship and special celebrations. Anyone ages 15 and up is welcome to join; no prior experience needed.
Rehearsals are on Thursday evenings, from 6pm to 7pm, in the music room (117).
Contact: Dotty Doyle dotty.doyle@lhumc.org
Alice’s Prayer Shawls
Compassion and the love of knitting/crocheting are joined together into a prayerful ministry and spiritual practice to reach those in need of comfort, healing, solace, love, hope, as well as who are filled with joyful celebration. No experience necessary to be a part of this close-knit group. We have plenty of experienced knitters and crocheters willing to teach their skills as we share the joys and sorrows of our lives and uplift one another.
Meetings: Thursday 6:30pm-8:00pm in the Unity Room
Contact: Melissa Riddle: hellilop@gmail.com
Altars & Banners
Using their creative talents this team comes together to create “special” altar arrangements for the “main” sanctuary for various special Sundays or worship seasons. As well as creating worship banners for the “main” sanctuary for worship seasons such as World Communion Sunday, Harvest season, Advent, Lent, Pentecost, “ordinary” season and more. No special skills required; banners are created with cloth, paper, sewing, glue, paint, etc.
Contact: Claire Fiedler, clfiedler@juno.com
Friends At Home
We have the honor of delivering delicious meals prepared in Heaven’s Kitchen, to our friends at home the third Saturday of each month. This ministry appears to be about providing good home cooked meals to our friends at home but is much more than that. This ministry is about fellowship, and developing friendships with our friends at home, who are a very important part of our church family. All who are involved in this ministry would agree that we are blessed by meeting and sharing a short visit with our friends. One of our friends at home comments consistently, how much this visit means to her, and how much it means to have someone outside of her own family call and then visit during meal delivery.
Handbell Choir
This talented group joins together to create beautiful music, using more than an octave of beautiful brass bells. They share this music during worship celebrations and special events.
Holy Humble Helpers (H3)
H3 ministry focuses on caring acts of kindness through minor home maintenance and repair tasks as well as caring words through visits to our friends confined to home or care facilities. Wherever you are on your Christian journey, there’s a place for you in H3.
Holy Humble Helpers is all about connecting the LHUMC family. Relationships are formed through H3 ministries that include Christian study, growth, prayer, fellowship, dinners and other activities that bring and keep us together in Christian unity and harmony. H3’s family relationships include caring actions to support, encourage and lift one another up by sharing concerns and joys as well as holding one another accountable acknowledging that we are stronger together than apart.
Meetings are Monday 7pm Room 116
Contact: Sal Aloisio saloisio6@msn.com
Inspirations Celebrations
Inspirations senior living (formally Heart Homes) provides assisted living and memory care and is located at 806 S. Camp Meade road in Linthicum. Several of our church members currently reside at inspirations. We meet on the third Saturday of each month at 11:00 in the memory care building at inspirations. Communion is served, followed by a sing along and worship service. It is a wonderful opportunity to share the love and faith of our savior Jesus Christ. We welcome everyone to join us for a morning filled with joy and “inspiration”!
Contact: Bonnie Booth palbgb@verizon.net
Christian Education
Through weekly Sunday School and ongoing group Bible studies, our members build their Biblical knowledge to grow in their faith and discover wisdom that they can apply to their everyday lives.
Contact: Mary Beth Wynne
Prayer Chain
Prayers for healing, for strength and hope during life’s difficulties, or for special joys and thanksgiving are passed through our prayer chain members by email. This means that approximately 12 people are daily offering intercessory prayers to Jesus on your behalf. Prayers are not limited to LHUMC people, friends and relatives from anywhere have called for us to pray for them. You may request prayers through email here;
Contact: Nancy Legg Nancylegg@msn.com
Tuesday Work Crew
Every Tuesday morning from 8 am to noon this faithful team works on projects that improve, repair, maintain, and beautify our facilities. There are projects for every talent and skill level. Painters, mowers, landscapers, simple household type repair-persons, contract negotiators and managers, safety experts, facilities utilization experts – whatever your skills, there are ways you can meaningfully contribute to keeping up our facility.
Contact: Roger Wilson rdw4613@yahoo.com
Young Adults
This small group ministry offers young adults a place to come together to fellowship and share and grow their faith.
Contact: Megan Renes mnrenes@gmail.com
Youth Group
Under the leadership and direction of Pastor Micheal Bynum and Dan Hiltz, our youth engage in fun activities, Bible study, missions outreaches and retreats. Middle and high school can be a stressful transition in a young person’s life. Youth group is a place to come together with friends as well as being a safe place to share struggles, fears, and challenges with each other under the guidance of adults who will help them reflect on them based on Faith over fear.
Contact Dan Hiltz: dhiltzy@gmail.com
Visit our Youth Group Page for updates and upcoming events
LHUMC also has an active small groups ministry.
More information can be found on our SMALL GROUPS page.